Pavel Durov, the Founder and CEO of Telegram, made a surprising revelation on the messaging app, disclosing to his 5.7 million subscribers that he has over “100 biological children.” The announcement caught many off guard, especially considering Durov’s well-known preference for living alone and his lack of marriage history.
The Unusual Request
Pavel Durov recounted an incident from about 15 years ago when a friend approached him with an unusual request. “He said that he and his wife couldn’t have kids due to a fertility issue and asked me to donate sperm at a clinic for them to have a baby. I laughed my a** off before realizing he was dead serious,” Durov explained. Intrigued by the idea, Durov agreed to become a sperm donor after the head of the clinic informed him about the shortage of “high-quality donor material” and suggested it was his “civic duty to donate more sperm to anonymously help more couples.”
Impact of Donations
Fast forward to 2024, Pavel Durov’s donations have facilitated the birth of over a hundred children across 12 countries. “Many years after I stopped being a donor, at least one IVF clinic still has my frozen sperm available for anonymous use by families who want to have kids,” he added. Durov now plans to make his DNA publicly available so that his biological children can connect with each other.
Reflections and Reactions- Pavel Durov’s Post
Reflecting on his contributions, Durov stated, “I am proud that I did my duty. The shortage of healthy sperm has become an increasingly serious issue worldwide, and I’m proud that I did my part to help alleviate it. I also want to help destigmatise the whole notion of sperm donation and incentivise more healthy men to do it, so that families struggling to have kids can enjoy more options. Defy convention – redefine the norm.”
The revelation sparked varied reactions from users. One commented, “Tech CEOs’ new hubristic hobby seems to be competing on number of offspring they can claim – without ever loving them or being in their lives.” Another noted, “By many definitions, he’s perhaps the most successful man alive.” A third user remarked, “That’s some social good right there. A good role model.”
Elon Musk’s Response
The post also caught the attention of Elon Musk, who wrote, “‘Rookie numbers’ – Genghis Khan,” in a light-hearted response, referencing the legendary Mongolian conqueror known for his numerous descendants.
Pavel Durov’s unconventional approach to sperm donation and his reflections on the importance of contributing to solving the shortage of healthy sperm highlight a unique intersection of personal choice and social impact, sparking both curiosity and conversation across the tech and wider communities.