In a world where animated series have become a cultural phenomenon, “Rick and Morty” stands out as a show that has captured the hearts and minds of audiences worldwide. The quirky, offbeat humour and mind-bending adventures of the titular characters have made it a beloved staple of modern television. However, behind the scenes, the recent casting of new voice actors for the iconic roles of Rick and Morty has sparked curiosity and excitement among fans.
Ian Cardoni, the voice of Rick, and Harry Belden, the voice of Morty, recently sat down for an exclusive interview to share their experiences of landing these coveted roles. For two relatively unknown actors, the opportunity to step into the shoes of these beloved characters has been nothing short of a “literal dream come true,” as they describe it.
The journey to becoming the voice of Rick and Morty was not without its challenges. Cardoni and Belden revealed that the audition process was rigorous and demanding, requiring them to showcase their vocal range and comedic timing. However, their passion for the show and their dedication to bringing these characters to life shone through, ultimately leading them to be chosen for the roles.
When asked about their initial reactions upon learning they had been cast, both actors expressed a mix of disbelief and overwhelming joy. Cardoni described it as a moment of “surreal euphoria,” while Belden admitted to feeling a sense of validation for his craft. The weight of taking on such beloved characters was not lost on them, and they approached the opportunity with a deep sense of respect and responsibility.
Since joining the “Rick and Morty” family, Cardoni and Belden have found themselves immersed in a world of creativity and collaboration. They spoke fondly of the camaraderie among the cast and crew, emphasizing the supportive and welcoming environment that has allowed them to flourish in their roles.
As they continue to lend their voices to the dynamic duo, Cardoni and Belden are eager to explore the depths of Rick and Morty’s personalities, bringing new dimensions to the characters while staying true to the essence of the show. Their journey from relative obscurity to becoming the voices behind two of the most iconic animated characters of our time is a testament to the power of perseverance and the fulfilment of dreams.
The story of Ian Cardoni and Harry Belden serves as a reminder that sometimes, the most extraordinary opportunities can arise from the most unexpected places. Their ascent to voicing Rick and Morty is a testament to the magic of storytelling and the transformative power of animated characters that capture the imagination of audiences around the world.