MrBeast, also known as Jimmy Donaldson, and Amazon are facing a class action lawsuit from five contestants who participated in the “Beast Games” competition show. Filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on Monday, the lawsuit alleges various issues, including sexual harassment, emotional distress, failure to pay, and widespread business negligence.
Allegations of Sexual Harassment and Hostile Work Environment
The female contestants claim that the production failed to provide a safe environment, particularly for women, leading to instances of sexual harassment. Legal documents reference a “How to Succeed in MrBeast Production” handbook, which allegedly encouraged unprofessional behavior, particularly from male participants. Statements like “it’s OK for the boys to be childish” created a hostile and embarrassing environment for the female contestants, they argue.
Failure to Pay and False Advertising- MrBeast
The lawsuit also alleges that many of the show’s 1,000 participants were not compensated, despite being misclassified as “volunteers” to avoid employment obligations. Contestants further claim that Amazon and MrBeast falsely advertised the competition, which was promoted as “the world’s largest live gameshow” with a $5 million prize, only to fail in providing basic necessities like food, hygienic products, and medical care.
Negligence and Emotional Distress
The five contestants allege that the production imposed strict control, restricting access to privacy and the outside world. Contestants were reportedly fed inadequately and were made to sign “unconscionable agreements” under questionable conditions. The plaintiffs are accusing the production of several labor law violations, including failure to pay minimum wages, overtime, and ensuring meal or rest breaks.
The lawsuit comes after similar allegations were made in a New York Times report last month, shedding more light on unsafe and unfair practices within the show’s production. The plaintiffs are seeking a jury trial.