The world premiere of the documentary film The Last of the Sea Women, produced by Malala Yousafzai’s production company, Extracurricular, and Apple Original Films, took place at the Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF). This powerful documentary, directed by Sue Kim, will debut globally on Apple TV+ on October 11.
Attendees at the premiere included Malala Yousafzai, Sue Kim, and several key contributors to the film, such as the subjects of the documentary, Lee Hee Soon and Jang Soon Duk, along with editor Erin Casper and cinematographer Iris Ng. This is the first feature-length documentary produced by Yousafzai’s company, which she founded to amplify the voices of women and underrepresented communities.
The Last of the Sea Women spotlights the haenyeo—a group of remarkable female free divers on Jeju Island in South Korea who have been diving without oxygen for centuries to harvest seafood. These women, often called “real-life mermaids,” are fighting to preserve their unique way of life amid the growing threats of climate change and environmental degradation. The documentary not only highlights their strength and resilience but also emphasizes the importance of ocean conservation and preserving cultural heritage.
This film is Malala Yousafzai’s second project after launching Extracurricular in 2022, following the success of Stranger at the Gate, a documentary short that explored themes of Islamophobia and empathy. That film, nominated for an Academy Award in 2023, is available to watch on YouTube.